Description: Precovery and recovery of known asteroids and NEAs from the ESO/MPG Wide Field Imager (WFI) images.
Input: Observing log in standard format (the entire archive between 19991025 and 20120225 is available
Warning: Do NOT attempt to send at once more than 500 lines, otherwise the script will crash due to intensive internet access.
Instead, use any text editor to cut the master ESO-WFI log in smaller pieces and send them in a few runs.
Output: Few text files holding serendipitous encounters of known NUMbered, UNNUMbered asteroids, NEAs and PHAs,
probably appearing in the searched images.
Queries: The SkyBoT service (Berthier et al., IMCCE/Obs Paris).
Reference: Please include the following two acknowledgements in any publication using this service:
- Quote this paper: Vaduvescu, O. et al., 2013 AN 334, 718.
- Include in the acknowledgement: "This paper used the EURONEAR Precovery ESO/MPG server \footnote{}".