Description: Finds and draws Suprime-Cam CCDs which possible hold known NEAs and their sky uncertainty.
Input: Image number (acc to Suprime-Cam archive) and camera rotation position angle (measured from N to W in degrees).
Output: Plot showing all known NEAs and their uncertainty error (from NEODyS) overlayed on the Suprime-Cam camera.
Queries: The NEODyS-2 (Milani et al., Univ Pisa) and
SkyBoT services (Berthier et al., IMCCE/Obs Paris).
Reference: Please include the following acknowledgement in any publication using this service:
- Quote this paper: Vaduvescu, O. et al., 2017 AN 338, 527.
- Include in the acknowledgement: "This paper used the EURONEAR Find CCD Subaru \footnote{}".