Description: Checks a Minor Planet Centre (MPC) report for Near Earth Asteroids (NEA) candidates.
Input: Observing report in MPC format (one object, field, sky area or entire survey) - sample here.
Output: Three plots showing the Solar elongation versus proper motion, position angle versus proper motion
and the RA and DEC components of the proper motion of the reported objects.
Enter (copy and paste) your observations (MPC format):
Reference: Please include the following acknowledgement in any publication using this service:
- Quote this paper: Vaduvescu, O. et al., 2011 PSS 59, 13, p. 1632.
- Include in the acknowledgement: "This paper used the EURONEAR NEA Check \footnote{}"
developed at the University of Craiova and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca part of the NEARBY project funded by the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA)."